How to Make Gravy with Cream of Mushroom Soup: The Ultimate Guide

How to Make Gravy with Cream of Mushroom Soup: The Ultimate Guide

If you’re looking for a delicious and easy way to make gravy, using cream of mushroom soup is a fantastic option.

This creamy and flavorful soup adds a rich and savory element to your gravy that will have your taste buds singing.

In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through the process of making gravy with cream of mushroom soup, from understanding the basics to troubleshooting tips and flavorful variations to try. G

How to Make Gravy with Cream of Mushroom Soup: A Quick Overview

Mushroom Soup

Making gravy with cream of mushroom soup is a straightforward process that leads to a rich and satisfying addition to many dishes. Here’s a quick overview of the steps involved:

Gather Your Ingredients

  • 1 can of cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 cup of broth (chicken, beef, or vegetable)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: Additional seasonings such as garlic powder, onion powder, or your favorite herbs

Combine Soup and Broth

  • In a saucepan, mix the can of cream of mushroom soup with the cup of broth. The choice of broth can be tailored to complement the main dish you’re serving.

Season Your Gravy

  • Add salt and pepper. Feel free to include any additional seasonings at this point to customize the gravy’s flavor profile.

Heat and Stir

  • Over medium heat, continuously whisk the mixture to prevent lumps. Ensure the gravy is smooth and uniform in texture.

Adjust Consistency and Seasonings

  • If the gravy is too thick, add more broth or water. If too thin, a cornstarch slurry (equal parts cornstarch and water) can be added to reach the desired thickness.
  • Taste the gravy as it simmers and adjust the seasoning as needed.
  • Once the gravy has reached your preferred consistency and flavor, it’s ready to be served alongside your chosen dish. 

Understanding the Basics of Gravy

How to Make Gravy with Cream of Mushroom Soup: The Ultimate Guide

At its core, gravy is a cherished condiment that transforms ordinary meals into comforting feasts. It begins with a simple foundation: fat and flour combine to form a roux, a thickening base that gives gravy its satisfying texture.

The choice of liquid, whether it’s broth, milk, or water, is what infuses the gravy with its characteristic flavors, making each Gravy with Cream of Mushroom Soup unique. The art of making gravy lies in the careful balance of these elements, ensuring a smooth, velvety sauce that complements rather than overwhelms the dish it accompanies.

By incorporating cream of mushroom soup into your gravy, you introduce an additional layer of complexity, enriching the flavor profile with the soup’s creamy consistency and the subtle, earthy undertones of mushroom.

This approach not only simplifies the gravy-making process by reducing the need for extra thickening agents but also elevates the end result, offering a quick route to a richer, more decadent sauce.

Why Choose Cream of Mushroom Soup for Your Gravy?

How to Make Gravy with Cream of Mushroom Soup: The Ultimate Guide

Opting for cream of mushroom soup as the base for your gravy brings a distinctive blend of flavors and convenience to your culinary creations. The creamy texture of the soup serves as an excellent thickener, simplifying the cooking process by eliminating the need for additional flour or cornstarch.

Its savory mushroom flavor enriches the gravy, providing a depth that complements a wide array of dishes. This choice also streamlines the preparation, as the soup comes packed with seasonings and spices that would otherwise need to be measured and added separately.

The versatility of cream of mushroom soup allows for customization, whether you’re aiming for a traditional taste or seeking to experiment with more nuanced flavor combinations.

This approach to gravy-making not only saves time but also enhances the overall dining experience with a touch of gourmet appeal, making it an ideal option for both novice cooks and seasoned chefs alike.

Gathering Your Ingredients

For a successful gravy venture using cream of mushroom soup, a concise but comprehensive list of ingredients is essential. Begin with a can of your preferred cream of mushroom soup. This forms the base of your gravy and is crucial for achieving that creamy, mushroom-rich flavor.

Next, you’ll need 1 cup of broth. The type of broth you choose—chicken, beef, or vegetable—will influence the overall taste of your gravy, allowing you to tailor it to the dish you’re serving. Seasoning is key, so have salt and pepper on hand to adjust the flavor to your liking.

For those looking to enhance the gravy’s depth even further, consider incorporating additional seasonings. Garlic powder, onion powder, or your favorite herbs can elevate the gravy from good to great. These optional extras let you customize the gravy to match the flavors of your meal perfectly.

Gathering these ingredients before you begin cooking ensures a smooth and stress-free preparation process, allowing you to focus on creating a delicious sauce that will complement a variety of dishes.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Make Gravy

Begin by placing a saucepan on the stove over a medium setting and pour in the can of cream of mushroom soup, followed by the cup of broth of your choice. This blend forms the base of your gravy, allowing you the flexibility to choose between chicken, beef, or vegetable broth to best complement your meal.

Stir these ingredients together with a whisk to ensure a smooth, uniform texture. As the mixture warms, it’s crucial to continuously whisk to prevent any lumps from forming.

As the gravy starts to heat through, season it with salt and pepper. Remember, the beauty of making gravy with cream of mushroom soup is in the customization. Feel free to introduce additional seasonings such as garlic powder, onion powder, or any of your preferred herbs at this point.

These will infuse your gravy with a unique flavor profile that’s entirely your own.

Allow the gravy to simmer gently on the stove, stirring it occasionally. This is when you watch its consistency closely. Your goal is a thick, velvety sauce that still pours easily. If it’s not thickening as you’d like, a cornstarch slurry can be introduced to aid the process.

Once you’ve achieved the desired thickness and the flavors are to your liking, remove the saucepan from the heat. Your gravy is now ready to be served alongside your favorite dishes, enhancing them with its creamy, savory goodness.

Troubleshooting Tips for Your Gravy

Navigating potential hiccups when making gravy with cream of mushroom soup is straightforward with a few expert tips. For gravy that’s come out thinner than preferred, a simple fix involves creating a cornstarch slurry.

Mix equal parts cornstarch and water until smooth, then gradually stir it into the simmering gravy until you reach the desired thickness. On the flip side, if the gravy is thicker than you’d like, gently incorporate more broth or water until it achieves a pourable consistency.

Remember, adjustments should be made gradually to avoid altering the taste and texture too dramatically.

When it comes to seasoning, the key is to add incrementally and taste frequently. This is especially crucial given the varying sodium contents in different brands of cream of mushroom soup.

If you find the gravy lacking in flavor, consider adding a pinch more salt, a dash of pepper, or any of the suggested additional seasonings to enhance its depth and complexity. Conversely, if the gravy is overly salty, a little extra broth or a touch of cream can help mellow out the intensity.

Keep these troubleshooting techniques in mind as you prepare your gravy, allowing for a stress-free cooking experience and ensuring a deliciously smooth and flavorful result.

Flavorful Variations to Try

Delving into the realm of flavorful variations opens up a world of culinary creativity when working with gravy made from cream of mushroom soup. Consider experimenting with different mushroom varieties within the soup itself, such as portobello or shiitake, to imbue your gravy with a unique mushroom flavor profile.

Incorporating a dollop of sour cream or crème fraîche can introduce a tangy richness, enhancing the gravy’s complexity. For those seeking a more robust taste, a splash of red wine or a spoonful of brandy added during the cooking process can lend a sophisticated depth.

Don’t shy away from integrating finely chopped herbs like dill or tarragon for a fresh, aromatic lift. Each of these variations not only broadens the spectrum of flavors but also allows for personalization, making your gravy a signature complement to any dish it accompanies.

Engaging with these variations encourages a playful approach to traditional gravy making, inviting both the novice cook and the seasoned chef to explore and enjoy the process.

Customizing Your Gravy with Additional Flavors

Enhancing your gravy with cream of mushroom soup by incorporating additional flavors allows for a truly personalized culinary creation. Introducing Worcestershire sauce can add a subtle depth, while soy sauce brings a savory umami element that complements the earthiness of the mushrooms.

For a hint of zest, Dijon mustard can be a game-changer, offering a tangy contrast to the creamy base.

Exploring the use of fresh herbs can also transform your gravy. Thyme and rosemary lend a classic aromatic quality that is perfect for poultry and beef dishes, whereas parsley can provide a fresh, bright note ideal for spring and summer meals.

Each of these additions not only enriches the flavor profile of your gravy but also allows you to tailor it to the specific tastes and preferences of those you’re cooking for.

Experimenting with these ingredients encourages a creative approach to traditional gravy. Whether aiming for a bold and robust flavor or a subtle and refined taste, the flexibility of this recipe means it can be adapted to suit any occasion or meal, making your gravy a standout addition to the dining table.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Gravy

When embarking on the journey of making gravy with cream of mushroom soup, there are a few pitfalls that can easily derail your efforts, leading to less than perfect results. One common mistake is neglecting the importance of continuous stirring, especially as the gravy begins to warm and thicken.

This oversight can result in a gravy that has uneven texture or lumps, diminishing the overall quality of your sauce. Another area where cooks often stumble is in the balance of flavors.

While the cream of mushroom soup adds a rich base, relying solely on it without considering additional seasoning adjustments can lead to a gravy that is bland or overly dominated by a single flavor. It’s essential to taste and adjust as you go, introducing more spices or herbs as needed to achieve a well-rounded taste.

Moreover, not taking into account the liquid consistency can lead to gravy that is either too thick or too thin. Over-reliance on the soup’s thickness without adding sufficient broth can create a sauce that is overly dense, while adding too much liquid without the correct thickening adjustments can result in a gravy that is too watery and lacks body.

Paying attention to these details and making adjustments as necessary will help you avoid common missteps and ensure your gravy reaches its full savory and smooth potential.

Serving Suggestions for Gravy with Cream of Mushroom Soup

This rich and savory gravy pairs wonderfully with a plethora of dishes, elevating them from simple to sublime. It’s the perfect complement to a fluffy pile of mashed potatoes, bringing a touch of creamy decadence. For a classic combination, pour it over a juicy roast chicken or beef, where it mingles with the meat’s natural juices to create an irresistible flavor.

Vegetarians aren’t left out; this gravy drapes beautifully over grilled or roasted vegetables, adding a layer of umami goodness. It also shines as a binder in casseroles, lending moisture and depth to every bite.

For a comforting breakfast or brunch option, consider ladling it over freshly baked biscuits or scones. The versatility of gravy made with cream of mushroom soup means it can adapt to any meal, providing a quick and easy way to inject gourmet flair into everyday cooking.

Storing and Reheating Your Gravy

Proper storage and reheating techniques are crucial to maintaining the quality of your gravy made with cream of mushroom soup. If you find yourself with leftovers, the best practice is to transfer the gravy into a sealed container, ensuring it’s airtight, and place it in the refrigerator.

This method will keep your gravy fresh and delicious for 3 to 4 days. When you’re ready to enjoy your gravy again, reheat it on the stove over a gentle heat. A low and slow approach is key to prevent the gravy from separating or becoming too thick.

Stir the gravy frequently as it reheats to maintain a smooth texture and even heat distribution. It’s common for gravy to thicken once refrigerated; if this happens, don’t hesitate to add a splash of broth or water. This will help you achieve the perfect consistency, ensuring your gravy is just as enjoyable as when it was first made.

By following these simple steps for storing and reheating, you can extend the life of your gravy, making it a versatile and tasty addition to meals throughout the week.


Can I make this gravy gluten-free? 

Yes, you can make it gluten-free by using a gluten-free cream of mushroom soup and ensuring your broth is also gluten-free. 

How can I make this gravy vegan? 

For a vegan version, choose a vegan cream of mushroom soup and use vegetable broth. Ensure any additional ingredients, such as Worcestershire sauce, are vegan-friendly. 

Is it possible to use fresh mushrooms in this gravy? 

Absolutely! While the soup provides a strong mushroom flavor, adding sautéed fresh mushrooms can enhance the texture and taste. Just cook them until they’re soft and golden before adding them to the gravy. 

Can this gravy be frozen? 

Yes, this gravy can be frozen. Cool it completely, then store in a freezer-safe container for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight and reheat gently, adding liquid if necessary. 

What’s the best way to thicken the gravy if it’s too thin? 

If your gravy is too thin, a cornstarch slurry is an effective thickener. Mix cornstarch with water and then slowly stir into the gravy until the desired thickness is reached.

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